Thursday, March 5, 2009


Today i went to watch this so called epik-movie-giler-best by most of the comments in youtube and reviews,yet it sucks bigtime.I cant believe actually movie tu lama gila which is near 3 hours,like watching Benjamin Button but in superhero theme.Seriously i wasted my time inside the cinema,and i was laughing a lot coz im so stupid to watch this movie.

Cerita dia complicated gila,sbb ada flashback events and present time.BUT masa nak change time tu,bagitau la.Ni cam direct to the scene and mula la syok sendiri director dia.And plus,director dia noob.Buat cerita superhero,tapi takda lawan langsung,i mean ada la lawan dalam 2-3 scene je but it's a dam 3 hours movie for god sake.


Set in an alternate 1985 America where tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union are high and the "Doomsday Clock" is set at five minutes to midnight, former superhero turned vigilante Rorschach discovers that one of his former colleagues has been murdered. As he investigates the murder he uncovers a plot that is intent on killing and discrediting all past and present superheros. As he reconnects with members of his former crime-fighting legion, including Nite Owl II, Silk Spectre II and Dr. Manhattan, they uncover a wide-ranging and disturbing conspiracy that not only links to their shared past but has catastrophic consequences for the future.

*copy dari wikipedia je.malas nak cerita.Wikipedia pun malas nak cerita panjang2.LOL*

in conclusion,i think cicakman lagi best.i mean the plot and storyline.
For some reason,i think im the WATCHMAN cos i've been watching them in this movie.

p;s best gak ada blog leh kutuk movie.wakakka


  1. haha. btol2! boleh jadi friends money saver. hahaha :D

  2. hahaha~ padan muke anda! :P
    ari tu ye ye ckp best..suruh org tengok
    trailer laa sume...
    skali tak best...hahaha~

    u have bad choice in movies..after this, follow my lead ok? confirm sume best..
    yEahhHH! hahaha~ :D :D :D
